Fort Williams Presentations

Fort Williams is a former United States Army fort in Cape Elizabeth that was active from 1899-1962. The town purchased the park in 1964 and in 1979 the beautiful 90 acre site was dedicated as Fort Williams Park.  On July 22, 2021, Jim Rowe, past president of the Cape Elizabeth Historical Preservation Society, and Bob Dodd, current president of CEHPS, conducted a Zoom presentation on the fort that was sponsored by the Thomas Memorial Library. Jim’s talk was “Fort Williams…Then and Now, A Quick Look Back at my Favorite Place on Earth”.  Bob’s talk was “Making the Fort Williams Model, Fort Williams from WWI to WWII”. Their slides are available below, Jim's are in two parts due to website limitations. Click the box in the upper right to view full screen. 

The full video of the joint presentation is available on the Thomas Memorial Library website. Here is the link: 

Bob with his model in TML

  Click below  and scroll down to see Bob's slides from his talk.

Jim at Fort Williams

  Click below  and scroll down to see Jim's slides from his talk.

Jim Part 1.rev.pptx
Jim Part 2.rev.pptx